Owen Whitehouse

Coaching and Mentoring

Finding your way in a Complex World

Sometimes we all get stuck, sometimes it's with our working relationships, sometimes we have barriers or hang ups that we don't see until 'bang' we run straight into them. At other times we have just run out of options and knowledge. Coaching and mentoring can help get you get through by working on things in a safe space, learning new ideas and working out how to apply them. We are here to create understanding, action and change.

We understand and use a wide range of coaching approaches from Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, Gestalt and Humanistic NLP, Ontological Coaching, Performance Oriented Coaching and Mindset Coaching. However, we are not wedded too much to the big theories, instead finding what talk, process, method or technique or combination of techniques might work for you. It is of course not about what we know but about what you need and the insights that will carry you forward.


Organisational and Workplace Counselling 

Emotional Support and Personal Struggles

We might be fine for years and then suddenly out of the blue there's a change and what was once easy becomes difficult. At other times, we realise something's got to give but we don't know what it is or why, but time has stacked experience against us and we need to re-evaluate . Personal struggles are hard but something can be done. We can all develop and we can all change: learn new patterns of behaviour or new ways to see the world and our actions in it. Counselling and Therapeutic Care in the workplace can help.

We try to work with shorter more effective techniques but ones with the person or people driving at the core. Struggles don't have to define the time we have and how we spend it.

Online Group Coaching - Action Learning

Action Learning is a structured reflective process that takes place over a number of sessions. It involves receiving challenging questions and support in an online group setting. It makes us see our issues, problems and opportunities in a different way; we rethink. We create actions and plans and each meeting the group acts as a check and balance on our progress. Group coaching can be deeply personal and can be a real challenge when in full view of and with the support of others, we make huge realisations about our perspectives and actions and the options we have in front of us. It can be very emotional. The bonds we build in these groups can last a very long time.

  • 6 sessions 
  • 8 sessions 
  • 8 sessions with training