Owen Whitehouse

Training and Development Programmes

Positioning, Supporting and Developing your People

I can build short interventions or larger programmes at foundation level or more advanced for the more experienced.  I can build the research that provides the foundation for development work. Analytics that either highlight unseen patterns or issues, or benchmark skills levels or other organisation metrics. Programmes can be developed remotely and delivered remotely or in person. Typical  programme examples are:

  • Building Change and Strategy In Complex Work Environments 

  • Leadership for in an Uncertain Age

  • Building and Managing Networks and Stakeholders

  • Critical Inquiry and Communication

  • Coaching and Mentoring

  • Social Awareness and Influence

  • Wellbeing and Mental Health

  • Happiness

  • Self-Awareness and Growth Mindset (self-authoring)

  • Sensemaking and Knowledge Creation

I can develop bespoke or you can chose from a menu of ideas and materials that we can shape.  I can help you think through your needs.

Training Programmes

Coaching and Mentoring Training

Training and development in the skills, techniques and perspectives to be a great coach or mentor.

Working with Other People

Understand how to listen to, communicate with and understand other human beings. 

Action Learning, Group Coaching Training

Learn how to manage and deliver group coaching sessions through the action learning method.

Leadership and Management

A range of different programmes about how to get the best out of yourself and be the leader that your people and your organisation need

Self-Awareness and Mindset (self-authoring)

Knowing and creating yourself and your path through life. Feeling your place in the world and making meaning for you furture.

Working in Complex Environments 

Developing the know-how, the skills and practice to make you and your organisation throve through and reap the benefots of complexity.

Thinking Together

Development Sprints 

Novel Sprints for Ideation and Flourishing

Problem Solving Sprints

It's a part of life and work that we get thrown the odd curve ball.  When the those curve balls start to gather moss (I am mixing my metaphors, I hope you like it) its time to rethink and not just add organsational sticking plasters. These sprints are designed to double loop and rethink the whole problem area to turn it into an opportunity to flourish again.

Leadership Sprints

Leadership Sprints are short focused sessions where groups of leaders work together on development issues and support each other in dealing with issues both core and at the edges of their leadership challenges. These sessions are about sharing and developing knowledge as much as they are about the development and learning of key leadership skills in a business-as-usual context context. 

Relationship Sprints

What's a relationship sprint?! Well from time to time we find our working life cluttered with interprersonal problems or even just the gathering existence of silos. These sprint routines are designed to find a way forward and to unpack what's afoot. We can make collaboration and relationships work more effectively and make everyone happier.